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for our Virtual 2021 Land and Water Summit

Virtual GSI "Field Trip":

February 23 • 2021

Virtual Summit:


24, 25 & 26 • 2021

Click here to see Agenda

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

For more information, contact


The XCNM’s Facebook page has changed its name to

Resiliency in Southwest Landscapes (RSWL)

and can be found at


Join our mailing list and get speaker information in your inbox!

Sponsor Our Summit

As a 501(c)3 we depend on sponsors to ensure the our Summit reaches a wide audience with the most up-to-date information.

Apply for a Scholarship

Do you need financial aid to attend our Summit? Thanks to the Scott Varner Scholarship Fund, we are able to offer a limited number of scholarships to the summit.

Donate to Support Our Work

Although most of our work focuses on our annual Summit, we continue to work to develop easily accessible xeriscape and water management information for the general public. Donations help us with this work.

Our primary goal is to educate the public about resource conservation and best practices for improving local landscapes.