Speaker Bio

Jeff Goebel is a leading expert in helping individuals and communities attain their goals and remove the obstacles that lie in the way, with over thirty-five years of national and international successes in consensus building, conflict resolution, and visioning for sustainable solutions. As an award-winning consultant in private practice, he has worked on catalyzing positive change with everyone from non-profits to government agencies, multinational corporations to small family ranchers. He has developed a highly effective program of respectful listening, visioning, and planning that attains long-range and long-lasting change through 100% consensus while achieving the triple-bottom line (social, economic, and ecologic).

Finding New Ground: Whole Brain Stormwater Solutions

At this year s summit Jeff Goebel will continue developing the conflict resolution process through consensus building with participants. He does this work as an experiential process, which supports a deeper means of learning for most people. Jeff will introduce the beginning relationship / listening skill set process early in the conference. Later, he will work with real conflict in urban and rural settings of bridging the engineering approach to managing water with the softer, cultural approach. Participants will explore the opportunities following an introduction by panel members of various perspectives with this issue. At the close of the summit, Jeff will again facilitate the opportunity to talk about what they have learned during the summit that will help them personally or professionally be successful and provide advice to the summit planning committee for future opportunities to meet.

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